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I changed my name after realizing that the video existed so don't put click-bait on me for changing my name after just realizing this ok?

dang it I have to change my name to shockertale sans now since I forgot that this video existed if you don't know why watch the video and yeah since statictale also exists I'm stuck with having to stay with the name shockertale now (R.I.P original name)


huh? at the top it said that the leader was defeated but they are still there :p are they hacking or are they with two tabs?

enjoy your time with classic singing his own theme (sorry its very random of me for a post like this)


I found something! (if your offended by crossmare ship videos then you shouldn't be looking at this since theres crossmare written allover the comic [not literally but you get the point don't ya?] )


and the 240 followers is back I'm happy again UwU (this was just for randomness as well)

also for me it has been raining posts from all over the place (why? because I feel more active at saturday unless I have to replace the monitor from my brother breaking it like before) man what am I even going to do with my life?

LOL that was a chain reaction (160th post so far)

ya know what I'm going to make another tab to kill these dirty multiboxers and call myself no multiboxing here buckos (sorry that was a bad joke for a name!)

._. and the multi boxer is back great now I have to stare at them untill they leave or just make them run into an enemy just to get away from me and may as well start an anti multiboxer community if it continues to happen