randomness in what should I do next?

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I edited the Underfell intro theme when the fight begins I'll put the new address for it so you guys can compare between the original again like last time I credit whoever originally made the theme and I won't take ownership of it since its only an edit

I don't own this but I'll use it somewhere in the ErrorTale version of their theme but I credit who owns it ok? https://beepbox.co/#8n31sbk0l00e07t1Um0a7g0fj07i0r1o3210T6v3L4u7… enjoy I'll also probably edit it but I'll still credit who ever made it

I'm planning on making this the opening for the Underfell version of Heckalovania I credit whoever made this theme but I know it isn't mine I'll put it in the article and I might make it sound a bit edgier to fit the theme k?

I made part of the theme for the Errortale version of Orange tell me if it fits or not but I'll put the link on it soon when I finish testing it but tell me after I put the link of it (its in the article for ya guys)

so basically this is my first time making a beep box theme I think I might have done bad on it comment how I did (I won't judge what you say about how it turned out) [read the article] https://www.beepbox.co/#8n31sbk0l00e06t2Mm1a7g0fj07i0r1o3210T5v1…