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All blocks!

You can now play with all the blocks you ever want to use ! Yup, even the unreleased one, no need to do Ye Skyeari Glitch for that anymore. Adding to that i'm currently working on a "Clone" script function, which you guess it, clones blocks, that's gotta extend possibilities a lot (and also make creepypastas when cloning blocksters)

Mods, mods, mods..

Not only now you can play Blocksworld again, not only you got unlimited blocks, not only there are new features added by Exdilin, but now you can also add new features yourself! While previous modding attemps could only replace existing textures, you can now create new blocks and new textures! Or you can just choose mods the community already made!

Community forever

Made by community, for community, with the Blocksworld Wool forum being the most popular forum for speaking about Blocksworld! Or for example through the r/bw2 subreddit or unofficial discord servers. Although there is currently no official discord server.

You can support Blocksworld Wool, BW2, Exdilin and Blocksverse by also donating on the Ko-fi page.

@2004robloxfan23 owner
Report A community for almost 3 years