announcement in knuckles approves memes

Share your creations!



ohio memes will be removed since da meme is dead

potition and suggetions for a new image for the group (has to have knuckles)

prob gonna come back for gamejolt only for this group

and yeah btw if you want be a mod friend request me

bye for now

Thank you all, we have become a very big family. :) We are now a family of 365 people.

Thank you to everyone who follows me.

im honstly very disappointed in my self i cant do anything nothing cool cant model draw even make memes at this point theres no point in me staying active on this community/website

update so i got bad news one of the mods named alex was banned for some reason (i dont know it because i was inactive) so i kinda need more mods in case i start goig radio silent soon