general in Shadow star official community

Share your creations!

Hi I should be sleeping for like 3 to 4 if not even more hours now...

Idk for how long but i am for now ^^

Write me a List of things the Remind you of me or you think will Fit to me

here is a little collection of art i made for or with @Applestar233 in mind ^^ be sure to cheek him out, also we work out a design which i already made in Gacha but i wanna wait with posting it, but Dear is allowd to use it as there pfp if they wanna

Hi guys

Now I have a community pls join in this is my community

You'll make me happy if you join in

just broke my glass to clean my brushes...


so @Applestar233 how about you do something with your community? like add more chats or so, or have someyone who helps you with it

I arrive

epic community we´ve got here

So yeah