general in A Mild Case of Zombie Apocalypse (AMCOZA)

Share your creations!

another reposy from sketchers united sorryyy

but, i’m alive!! my mocks are finished!! but in two months is real exams uhh

anyways im actually working on art rn so yay 🎉



lil old and lazy Bianica speedpaint because i love her and this song <3
(song is ‘Girls’ by Patricia Taxxon from the Gloria album! PLEASE go listen to it it’s AWESOME, one of my fav albums from Patricia)


happy almost valentines dayyy, here’s the hopeless romantic himself

(i might draw some ship art for valentines, but for now take Beau)


repost from sketchers untied cuz i still really like this and hate everything i draw for like the past few months grrr😾😾😾😾😾

(they’re both guys btw)


Idk how to feel about this bur Chloés my favourite and its illegal for me to have such little art of her >:(