DevLog in A Soul at Fredbear's

Share your creations!

Hey folks! I let u here an image with the new cameras monitor! Hope u like it!


Hey folks! I'm here to tell ya that I improved the cameras both selection and mapping, and I think it looks good! As always thank u so much for all of the support, really ❤️


There is a video that shows the progress of the development (the cameras have place holders), hope u enjoyed and I'll be attentive to ur feedback!

Hey folks! I'm here today to tell ya that I progressing so much on the development of the game and I think that I can publish the version 0.0.1 of the Alpha at early next year! Thank u so much for ur support and for trusting about this amazing game! ❤️

There are two renders more for you! And they may also be in the game! 🔥