General in Be happy forever friends

Hope your dreams come true 🙂

Nintendo 64 the old game in the box this Paper Mario 64 born 2001 that's that's why I born and born she wasn't 2001

Also there's a blue the name is the blue gopher why is say wackadoo the name ?

The best day ever you remember guys your dreams come true we always be toghether we believe the stars are dreams come true ✨️ we love cartoons are focus on our dreams


Super Mario 64 Maker I love this game you can build any level make any you want make your dreams come true .

This amazing cartoons in my dreams and my memories you got a friend in me Riley and Sarah the cat 😉😉✨️

You always belive it we always stay toghether our friends cartoons we stay toghehter and our dreams come true when you wish upon a star 🌟 🤩