All Posts in Comunidade Brasil

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The title for this video is the portuguese for "The lack of education has turned into culture in Bostil"

The person who made this video have made a few mistakes in this statement, but doesn't actually mean it's good... -_-

My english class just turned into a class representant election, and me and my friend would be contestants (Me as a representant while him as a vice-representant) for this

I made this so i could convince my classmates to vote us

ENG - Man is that just me or you're starting to offend yourself πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘

POR - ImpressΓ£o minha ou vocΓͺ parece q tΓ‘ se ofendendo πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘

Brazilian ppl on Instagram joke about everything that happens on their lives, but not about Israel being the responsible for killing 7 WCK aid workers, along with tens of thousands of victims, including women and children in Gaza


My cat!!