Show þe world þat þorn should be back!
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Welcome to þe Bring Back Þ community on Game Jolt!

Bring Back Þ (or thorn) is a GameJolt community based off of þe subreddit of þe sæm næm. Thorn is an Old English letter þat was removed when þe print press came around because European printers didn't have it. Bring Back Þ also includes oþer removed letters like Æsh(ash, which represents þe sound between an a and an e), Eð(eth, which was used interchangeably wiþ þorn), Ö(which makes ðe same sound as u in could, would, etc.), Ə(Schwa, which makes þe "uh" sound) and œ(used interchangeably wið ö)

@JupiterboyLuffy owner
Report A community for about 1 year