Post something here..... or not

Go send your condolences to @TheRunnerUp and wish his mother well. He could use the support.



Each flag of the Autonomous Territories


Bill Clinton Likes Metal music apparently


VALORIAN NEWS: Crisis in Valoria with the Ostravyan Territory war with Ostravya losing a part of their southern territory and now they are protesting for Independence and separation. #FreeOstravya

Welcome to the Cheetoxx's Community for Idiots community on Game Jolt!


1.) Follow all the Rules

2.) No Nsfw

3.) No Harassment

4.) Dont harass the Mods

5.) Respect Everyone

6.) Be Respectful

7.) steal memes

8.) If you don't like Burger king. I guess you good

9.) keep everything in the right Channel

10.) Dont talk about Religion for respect and No aggression and Arguments

11.) No Political Talk and Ideologies

Thats all for now and i will probably update the rules soon or not.


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