Make your cringe

Good morning everyone

Good night everyone.

Thanks for 26 followers on The Waiting Game 1 + The Waiting Game 2 (Read Article)

It never gets old.

Only 11 followers away until I hit 3.2k! :D

If this post gets 40 likes, I'll make a sequel to The Waiting Game called:

The Waiting Game 2: Overtime!

That just blew my mind!

Reject Rolex, embrace frog.

I like thinking that I make people happy with my "Goodnight" posts.

Welcome to the CringePost Central community on Game Jolt!


Do not harass members and non members!

Please just no harassing

No Gore

No Spamming

No non cringey stuff

Don't beg for followers

Dont be way too cringe... or else...

Please dont post the same memes that someone posted... just please


Your mom

also follow the community's yt channel here! /channel/cringpotcentrlsussybakaamngus222222/

Report A community for over 3 years