Canon in D&B: Bambception! (Crystalline Conundrum)

When the conundrum is crystalline

so uhhh

since im going back to liking DNB more than i did (i was burnt out on it for a bit)

i'm writing some of the dialogue rn

here's as much as i can show atm

this is canon to Bambception

don't ask why

it just is

Freaking Gnome.

thought i might share some Bampot and Baimbr lore.

Bampot is a god of life, Baimbr is a god of death.

Their father, Braib, is a god of death, they're "missing" mother was a goddess of life, which is why Bampot is one as well.

alr, Slunker Bunker lore time!!

Slunker Bunker and FG are canonically dating

Slunker Bunker has an EX (of which we don't talk about) named Mandevi (might be in Demo V1.2)

Slunker Bunker eggs Walmarts on Saturdays, and Targets on Sundays.