Fanart!! in Bop's downloads folder


female springtrap and female energetic pussy

Hybrid!! :D


made back-views of the dub friends.

except for orange because he sucks ass to do anything with.

sorry orange fans.

(also a bonus chapter 2 blue [he has a mark on his back from when the hatch fell on him in chapter 1])


bottom text

p u r p l e

its him !!!
red boi !!!
easily the most detailed out of the bunch
oh yeah also his pal blue lookie
or "ballue"

h i m

the orange porange !!!
uhhhhhhh yeah

heres the height comparison between blue and green btw
orange is like 5'4"
red is like
5'8" i would say (slightly taller than orange)

green is here !!! (i dont really plan on doing a green v3, not rn)