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Wonder who's the corpse on Springlich

Hello, since Society decided to fuck all of us over, this is the new Dormitabis: Remastered account I guess.

You left a backdoor into Bithell's PC, It's plausible. You're still a piece of shit btw.

Society is deleting my comments which is extra pathetic

Mr. Society, Honko, and etc. had no right to release CRAWLSPACE. WE worked on this title, not them. and the game was only 78% complete.
Also, don't install it unless you want them to have a backdoor into your PC.

Wtf is going on with AAT?

Honestly 2024 is gonna be an bad year for The Dormitabis Community :(

I know that you guys are angry, confused, and worried about us and the community.

We are going through a trying times, but we will come out of this. I'm working on a doc to explain everything, it will come out soon.

-X from AAT

Something terrible happened, more updates will come soon.

Don't trust anyone

I keep seeing a bunch of "Blackout1912"s pop up everywhere on media, i don't see a single "Justin" in all of this weird rabbit hole bs, so who's who?

To my friends and followers, if you ever see this user named Melody A.K.A. Ducky, please block her and report her on discord, she is just like Honko were she was defending blackout and is lying about Salteru being a groomer though he's 15.