Anime (Manga,Tv Shows & more) in Team Sonic.Exe/Fazbear Clan (With Team Suicide Mouse.EXE and Team Sunky)


A review on Adult Swim’s adaptation of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki (Spoilers to the show and manga) (Part 1 of 4: Introduction & Episode 1, half of the first episode)

This girl is leading an army of penguins
(Extended version made by Infamous)
Anime: Penguin Highway (2018, Studio Colorido, Hiroyasu Ishida)
Song - This feeling by my!lane

Basically, Anime OPs (Openings) in the 1960s
(Anime from the 60s: Dororo, Year of release before the 2019 version: 1968 - 1969
Movies that are connected/referenced to the show: Kubo and The Two Strings)

Same voice actor (Part 4: Cristina Vee)

Same voice actor (Part 3: Aaron LaPlante)