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Hey boy, tell me what's on your mind, don't be afraid

question to all gamers

what is your favorite video game ever made?

you (probably) already know mine, so i won't say


Jesus I escaped the Devil by the skin of my teeth right there ;-;

This is what I see when I go downstairs to my room

For the first time in quite a while, he has loafed

y'know guys, i'm kinda seeing a pattern

when i was a FnaF fan, my favorite characters were Foxy and Mangle

when i became a Sonic fan, my favorite character is Tails

when i first played Undertale Yellow, my favorite character is Ceroba

you see the pattern?


This might sound odd considering im not a fan of the game

But probably the portal gun from portal

me when someone mentions Undertale:

just No Hitted Sans in school lmao (i used bad time simulator, which is a browser site that allows you to fight and practice Sans)

this is my first time No Hitting him too lol

stolen from @undertalerules69

and it's true lmao