General 🙂 in Five Night's at Exe's Official Community

Hey boy, tell me what's on your mind, don't be afraid

This is what I see when I go downstairs to my room

For the first time in quite a while, he has loafed

y'know guys, i'm kinda seeing a pattern

when i was a FnaF fan, my favorite characters were Foxy and Mangle

when i became a Sonic fan, my favorite character is Tails

when i first played Undertale Yellow, my favorite character is Ceroba

you see the pattern?


This might sound odd considering im not a fan of the game

But probably the portal gun from portal

just No Hitted Sans in school lmao (i used bad time simulator, which is a browser site that allows you to fight and practice Sans)

this is my first time No Hitting him too lol


Cat, with my voice again

This time it sounds way better too

ain't gonna lie i feel like i'm the only reason this community is alive lmao

random fun fact (at least according to google)

in Sonic, Vector is the oldest character with a confirmed age, at 20 years old

now to be fair, Eggman, Vanilla, and some other characters are definitely older than him, but they don't have confirmed ages

6/10 loaf

Uhm, yeah, thanks but...

How about no?

(It was in my for you page, and it's a straight up no)