announcements in a Week with Javier Gamejolt Community

Post some awwj Stuff, idk

Hey Investigators, Here's a New Patch (v1.0.2) Update's Gameplay Showcase Soon

A Week With Javier 2: A New Season v2.0 - Gameplay Showcase
Yep, we're Remaking the Main Game as you see, now that it's almost done I want to show you The Showcase of the Main Gameplay including new stuff and those th...

Hey Investigators, here a new Patch of the Game from a Bakery to a Warehouse

Anyways Patch 1.0.1 is out

Important Announcement For All Javcord Members

unfortunately, the server was deleted, due happened one drama in english chat and a lot of other shit, that I'm not going to talk about. Is this the end?

After 2 Years and 5 Months the Third Game of the A Week With Javier Saga is now Out and Available, Give it a Try and Enjoy!

1 Day Left

2 more days
Another Premiere with a Better Trailer les go, Do you think you will Survive another Week?Follow the Game Here:

Happy Haweween! 👻

Patch 2.0.1