Share your creations!

I created a community for my game, hope people join it thought! :D

Welcome to the Find The Snowmans community on Game Jolt!

Play the game here


1 : Respect everyone in the community!

2 : Don't post 18+, Rule 34, NSFW and NSFL content

3 : Don't send passwords or emails

4 : If the post isn't about find the snowmans, then post in the off topic channel

5 : Spamming is not allowed

6 : Toxic furries are not allowed here

Strikes/Punishments :

Break a rule once = Blocked for 1 day

Break a rule twice = Blocked for 1 month

Break a rule thrice = Blocked for 1 year

Break a rule 4 times or more = Blocked forever

@felipemiya2013 owner
Report A community for 20 days