Announcement/Mods-only in The Cookieslime/Slime6 Archival Community

Share your creations!

The votes have catered in, and the poll has spoken! I will be removing the off topic channel along with altering/deleting all posts aligned to said channel. Have a good day


guess this whole slime6 community thing didn’t work out lol

Even a detailed and dare I say good community couldn’t even put a dent in the fandom cesspool of predator manchildren

If you’re a new account, and have joined this community recently, I HIGHLY recommend reading this before further interaction:


Alts have a high chance of being banned. If you either: have a really good reason to lump in a alt account over here [with evidence and all] or don’t use them to bypass bans,

you might get a pass, otherwise 👽🙏🦗⁉️

For newcomers to the slime6 fandom, the rabbit hole goes deep as shit. Multiple people from said rabbit hole will be blacklisted from here. Like Jaiden.

Also, take this archive of every slime6 game. With the source codes included.