FireAsksStupidQuestions in The Deleted Keep
Share your creations!
an actual question #5
what is something that you wish was more talked about (in general like on the internet .w.) but isnt?
an actual question #4
what do you all do when you are mad?
does anyone else feel like they are a vampire?
an actual question #3 (i havent done these in a while)
whats your most anticipated game/dlc?
does anybody have 52 euros pls?
i will pay them back in never
The Return of Fire Asks Stupid Questions
would you eat your own toe?
do you have anyone who you could relate like this too?
an actual question..what type of posts ya want to see from me?
and like for what community and etc (i may or may not listen to them depends .w.)
have you ever felt like eating a cartridge?