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heyy @Everyone its me FD im really nervous but also excited to say this but im coming out as Trans yaya ^w^

its been a really hard decision for me but im glad i finally did it

(art is by @SilverRoseArtVoiceActingMusic thank you so much :>)

hiya all so ive been waiting a long time to say this but im coming out as bisexual yaya :>

(art by @SilverRoseArtVoiceActingMusic :>)

hey all um i just wanna say im sorry for no progress as of recent but all of our team is currently so occupied with everything else (including me) and we have no time to do anything...what i wanna say is


Neutral Run Sans Phase 3 Animated: Enough is Enough

I was bored this was like made under 1 hour lol


Sprites By: Romankos

Music By: ??? (please tell if you know)

Animation By: me :>

My Discord Server:


Call of The Void Phase 3a: One Left Animated

(im so goddamn tired)

My Discord Server:


Music By: @Applefied_

One Sprites By: pixelatedgamer120 (@Astroisnomical ) Animation By: Me (and my insomnia)

Its too late to run...YOU ARE MINE NOW!

@Get_Filed owner
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