FnaT news in Five Nights at Tori's unofficial Community

Share your creations!

This will be used as a skin for the custom night.

There's also gonna be a "fun night", if you know what I got that idea from.

[All rights of the image goes to the original owner]

Showing the Clones of FnaT 1 and Withereds of FnaT 2.

For the Office, I've found a perfect one. This office is gonna be based off of the garage in one of the PvZ gw1 maps, which is Wall-nut hills.

In the meantime, my friend @CToonzGamez will be new owner of FnaT 1 until my other friend returns in 2025.

So, while we wait for one of my friends to return in 2025, let's come up a name of the restaurant of Five Nights At Tori's.

Bad news everyone. One of my friends deleted his games, including mine [which is Five Nights At Tori's]. But he'll be back on 2025.

Buying me this bad boy tomorrow

Shoot! I forgot something!! We need a new concept designer.....


Policy Rules

Tomorrow's mah birthday!!