Questions in Fangames At Freddy's

Would you like to see one big post where we talk about everything we've done or should I split it into several smaller posts?

Wich Yap and Yell model should I do next?
why you put in fangames i put in fangames but you did it frist and no one put in mag channel and publicity?

Unusual nights wiht the neptoon Ending😟
Whats your favorite FnaF Fangame?
A question:
What aspects of the game and information should I improve to get a larger audience to which I will direct the game?

Which design of 15' Golden Sonic do you prefer more for Act 5?

Post Your Questions Down Below Till We Reach 850 Views
I have no more ideas on my future fnaf fangames. Do you guys have one?
EDIT: your comment ideas will be in a later post in a poll for everyone else to choose.
a bear in red with a vest, born before fredbear, he has 2 friends, one is a rabbit and one is a fox. He is evan's favourite character, Who is he?