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*Hope continue to kiss Jack*

Jack: *kisses hope alot* drops scissors*

*Hope drop hers to while kissing Jack*

Jack: *kisses to much* *blushing lightly*

*Hope stopped*

Jack: ....umm l-lets umm...keep cutting.....

*Hope pick her scissors back up and start cutting again while blushing lot*

Jack: *blushing more* y-your umm..a great kisser.....

*Hope blushed more then Jack* Hope:y-you to

Jack:......wanna go a round? *Blushes hard* *hand shaking*

*Hope blushed lot* Hope:i-if you want

Jack: w-well i dont wanna force you......

*Hope blushed and immediately pull Jack close and kissed him*

Jack: *blushes more* *kisses alot*
(*grabs a dog to* *bites it* ^^)

*Hope kissed Jack more* (*try taking the dog*)

Jack: *walks back to his room while kissing hope*
(*moves it away* *keeps bitting it*)

*Hope continue to kiss Jack* (no cuddles then)

Jack: *pulls hope on top of him* *kisses hope alot*
(;-; *brings toy back* *drops it* .....)

*Hope continue to kiss lot* (good boy~)

Jack: *kisses hope to much* *bone gets hard* *blushes cause of feeling*

*Hope accidentally kissed on a sensitive spot* (*kiss*)

jack: h-hope......
(////////// *licks* *grabs dog toy again with my mouth* *bites it*)

Hope:y-yeah? (Bad boy)

Jack: y-your making me hard....
(*wines* *drops toy again*)

*Hope blushed* (*pets*)

Jack: *help hope get off* *takes his bone out* .....umm you can...y-ya know...
(^^ *barks* *grabs toy puts it in your hand* ^^)

*Hope blushed and start to lick* (*pets lot* Good boy)

Jack: *blushes a bit*

*Hope start to suck Jack bone* (*kisses*)

Jack: *blushes more* *legs twitch a bit*
(*kisses more* *trys to be sneaky and take to again*)

*Hope suck lot more* (*put toy between my boobs*)

Jack: *legs twitch alot*

*Hope sucks harder* (heh~)

Jack: *breathing lightly a bit*
(///////////////// *arm twitches* n-no g-g-gonna ////////////////)

*Hope sucks “that” part hard* (good boy)

Jack: !!!!! *comes alot* *breathing heavy a bit*
(/////////////////////////////////////////// *holds my arm*)

*Hope looks at Jack with come on her face* (*pets*)

Jack: *blushing alot*
(//////////////////////////////// *looks at dog toy but looks at boobs on accedent*)

*Hope were blushing lot* (heh my little pervert Keon~)

Jack: s-s-sorry b-b-bout that...
(!!!!///////////// *looks away* )

Hope:i love you Jack (*kisses*)

Jack: !!!!! you to.....hope..
(///////////// *kisses back quick* *hides my face cause blushing to hard*)

*Hope kiss Jack lot* (Heh cute *fall asleep slowly*)

Jack: *kisses hope more*
(.....f-fellin tired?)

*Hope fall asleep and some monsters heard the news* (Yes….)

(o-ok.... *lays you down gently* //////// *carefully takes dog toy out of boobs* *puts cover over you* s-sleep well *kiss*)

(*Pull you close* you’re not going anywhere my love~)

(/////////////////// o-o-ok)

(*kisses lot* Gn my Keony~)

(n-n-night sweetheart /////// *kisses more*)

@KeonReed owner
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