All Posts in GJ/AskGameJolt

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Hey everyone,

I need your help! Please play my game so that I can gather feedback and make necessary updates. Without your support, there won't be any new updates or improvements.

Thank you for your help!

#GJAsks My most anticipated game: Nightmare Castle by StudioNovella

#GJAsks My most anticipated game...?

Probably whenever Deltarune comes out.

#GjAsks no comment bc I literally know I'll end up doing a while essay-

#GJAsks I have no idea


#GJAsks My own game, honestly.

I'll be so happy if I had motivation back somehow

#PrideJolt Brother from that one fnaf remake

#GJAsks prob the FNaF VR 2 DLC

#GJAsks Id probably say Don't forget Connected
