Welcome to hazbin lintman do stuff
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Welcome to the Lintman's dumb hotel community on Game Jolt!

This is a joke community so what did you join

If you did join then do things I would do and don't do things I wouldn't do

Rules I guess

  1. Idfk

  2. No full on nsfw (should be obvious)

  3. Follow the gamejolt rules (even if they don't make sense at times)

  4. Don't harass people for thing (this is supposed to be fun so don't ruin it

  5. That's it

Mod rules (if I ever get any)

1. Don't abuse mod powers (this mostly point towards goes for blocking people for no damn reason

2. Feature what ever you want (try not to self feature stuff to much ok

3. Abuse the lintman (do it in a fun joking way)

Alright that it

Why are still reading

No seriously why are still reading

Please stop


That should make you stop

Ok screw you I am not going to type anymore

@Lintman2-0 owner
Report A community for about 2 years