All Posts in Mrawanite Caliphate

لا اله الا الله, محمد رسول الله

The R.M.S New Berlin is being created right now! It is 121ft long (52.1 metres) and it will be the longest ship in the world. God Save the Kaiser!

Kaiser Wilhelm has began military AND economic reforms in Britain-Germany for wars in the future. His plan is to create a 2 year plan which will hopefully make us number 1 in economic rankings. Alle Heil Wilhelm!


The Grand Berlin Palace would like to announce we have attacked Mrawanite India. Alle Heil Wilhelm!

The Grand Palace of Berlin would like to announce we've attacked Mrawanite Venice and have captured it with no Mrawanite resistance. Alle Heil Wilhelm!

(RP) Dutch Elections Moment

  3 votes Voting finished

Welcome in the new chancellor, Karl Von Jasman! He is the leader of the republican party (RPD). Alle Heil Karl!

Election number 2 (since last one was a tie)

  3 votes Voting finished

We have tested our first airship and founded the Royal German-British flight agency! We've also founded the Royal British-German airforce

Poland has been given independence!