(RP) Dutch Elections Moment
Map of The Tsar of rats -red-

Tsar Of Great Rus
-Ruler- Tsar Rats IV
-Currency- The Ruble
-Official languages- Russin,germen
-religion- Christianity,orthdox
-Economic Status- The Tsar Rats IV Says a market-based social democracy would be the way to go.
From a pure raw power perspective, the pure capitalist model has proven to be the most effective generator of wealth.
However, pure capitalism has also proven to be highly instable, as it tends to generate large amounts of inequality, as there are too many power laws within it (basically, that means that rich people tend to become richer, and poor people tend to remain poor).
If, however, you moderate a pure market economy with a healthy amount of state regulation and redistribution, you can harness the effectiveness of capitalism, without its drawbacks of inequality, social strife, and class warfare.