All Posts in Half-Life

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Epic moment (Black Mesa)

which one of them would win a rap battle.

''Prepare to receive civil judgement!''

Civil protection render

just realised i accidentally to place gun in left hand

so, i'm exporting the second part of my Half-Life synchronization trilogy and it's 10 GIGABYTES?

i'm making a series of Half-Life videos which fully sync up the games! (except decay, i wanted to originally include it but when trying to sync it with half-life i was genuinely tweaking beacuse of the inaccuracies). part 1 is already out on my channel.


I broke the game




Half-Life Crossovers - You must go, now!
(left - Adrian Shephard/right - Gordon Freeman)


I can hardly walk without dying once


Half-Life crossovers - Rift
(left = Gina Cross/right = Barney Calhoun)