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Melodys 2 Has Been Updated For The First Time!

I Found A Lot Of Bugs And Glitches In The Code So I Decided Before Melodys 3's Release Date Reveal I Should Fix It Up!

I Have Finally Finished Chapter 2 For Melodys 3, Chapter 3 (Chef-O-Rama) Is Now In The Works And The Soundtrack Will Be Updated Soon As A Song Called "The Master Plan" Is In The Works Including The Voices Of Chip And DB!

The Trailer Is Now Out For Melodys 3!

There Is No Gameplay From The Game (BASE) As i Do Not Want It Completely Spolied And The Devil's Hut Mode Will Only Be Out For A Limited Time So Get The Code Quick!

When Its Released Ofc

Melodys 3 New Faces- Trailer (Official)

The trailer for Melodys 3 are now in the working expect it to come out around Febuary 20th or earlier

Stay Fresh!