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Welcome to the Core community on Game Jolt!

"Core" is an exciting comic that delves into a world where supernatural creatures are contained within a secret underground facility called "The Core." It follows a group of skilled agents whose primary task is to maintain the security of this facility and prevent any dangerous creatures from escaping into the outside world.

The story begins with a carefully crafted introduction to "The Core," a massive subterranean complex that houses a wide array of supernatural entities. These creatures, ranging from mythical beasts to ancient spirits, are captured and contained by the specialized team of agents known as "SMOQ" SMOQ possess unique abilities, training, and technology, making them the last line of defense against the malevolent forces lurking within The Core.

Throughout the series, the reader will be exposed to a visually stunning world, expertly crafted by talented artists, where the fantastical and the mundane coexist. The Core itself is a labyrinthine structure, filled with dark corridors, hidden chambers, and awe-inspiring chambers, making it a visually captivating setting for the story.

Amidst the stability and relative peace, an unforeseen event occurs—an extremely powerful and cunning monster manages to break free from its confinement. This escape triggers a series of catastrophic events within The Core, placing both the agents and the world at risk. As chaos ensues, the Scorekeepers must band together, utilizing their diverse skills and backgrounds to track down and neutralize the escaped monster before it wreaks havoc. But they failed

"Core" combines elements of horror, action, and suspense, offering readers an adrenaline-fueled ride with every issue. It explores themes of bravery, sacrifice, and the innate human desire to protect what is precious. The comic aims to capture the readers' imaginations, drawing them into a world where monsters lurk in the shadows, and the fate of humanity rests in the hands of a courageous few.

There are multiple characters already









(Possibly a few more)

Trying to stop all the escaped convicts from causing damage to all.

@Areion owner
Report A community for about 1 year