inDIE Horror Games in Indie Horror Games

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#ROMUT | An indie first-person psychological horror game that relies on oppressive atmosphere.

Sometimes you have to plunge into the terrifying darkness in order to change something.

#TheyAreHere | Download the updated demo with prologue! This is a small introductory episode to the future game. It shows an incident that took place long before the events at Grayswood Farm.

#PoppyPlaytime Chapter 1 | You must stay alive in this horror/puzzle adventure. Try to survive the vengeful toys waiting for you in the abandoned toy factory.

#FearsToFathom: #HomeAlone | You play as Miles, a 14 years old kid who is home alone while his parents are out of town for work. He soon finds himself in trouble as the story unfolds, would he make it through the night?

#TheTrench | The Trench is a short horror experience in which you will command the Pandora submarine, exploring the depths of a trench that has been uncovered after an earthquake in the Pacific Ocean. Things Get SPOOKY!

#TheBabyInYellow | As a baby sitter you have to deal with some unruly children. 

This one might be your last....

How long will you stay in control?

#MovieNight | It's been a long week, but you finally have some time to yourself. Why not see a movie? This night could have been relaxing, but something is off.

#SinkingIron | A strong submarine earthquake caught the attention of an amateur diver and his apprentice. They were close by when the incident happened and decided to investigate before officials arrived. You are the apprentice.

Peter's House | Enter the dark and ominous world of Peter's House, where you play as Steve, a man hired to move boxes for the new owner. As you explore the house, you quickly realize that something isn't right.

The Touch | re you prepared to face the unknown lurking in the shadows? The Touch is an immersive short horror experience set in an ordinary suburban American home. This spine-chilling game, inspired by classic PS1-style graphics.