All Posts in MarioYoshi7's Community
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You see that post below this post?
Yeah, that 3 month old post is outdated, there is a new contest!1!!
Bethany, another unnecessary character to the Diego universe who adds NOTHING to it, Woohoo!
Diego Spin
but Remastered with Diego's new sprite!1! + new frames!1!1
also this is more being reworked to a community for Diego and not me
Look at the unnecessary ideas' channel background.
time to do some work in this community I guess, I will try to make it better
Merry Christmas everyone!
Have this drawing I made with people I consider my best friends!
I decided to build Sonic 1 stages in Minecraft!
1. Green Hill Zone
2. Marble Zone
3. Spring Yard Zone
4. Labyrinth Zone
5. Star Light Zone
6. Scrap Brain Zone
I also decided to build a Ball-Hog in Scrap Brain Zone because why not?