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Hopefully you guys played the demo!
And now I shall take a break working on this game

This would've been the part where I trolled you guys because it's April fools

Well you're wrong since I didn't had anything besides the Classic demo
But I made this drawing as a what if I did make something to fool you guys

Five Nights at Jaygi's Classic Demo Trailer
After three months a demo for FNAJ Classic comes out.No this isn't FNAJ. This is a different game.FNAJ Classic:

It's the easter time!
and also one more day for the demo to come out

Demo comes out at 12AM on April 1st EST

The good thing about this game was I made this during april fools day and had like a couple minutes left to spare before it turned april 2nd

Your best friend from The Dreamscape has an important message for you all!

Mark your calendars!

The game has a max-mode music thing
recently it was changed
it will be the last change for max mode music
I will remember the many times I changed the max mode music for FNAJ
and of course, you can turn it off if it's too much for you

Those who were in my Discord server from around when I started work on this game will be having a fun time if they know what day is coming up

(Hint: Master Shake)