All Posts in Lemmings community
Level 1: Just post! (Number of posts: ?) (1 to be posted)
(repost because I forgot the funny Lemmings community)
Funny little mans may have tiny brains but are they good at Rapping??!11?????!??!??!
I know this is bad but eh
I tried my best.
No, this won't be a mod, which is why I put it in the fan art section
So far I'm in level 83 (23 Taxing) from the original lemmings, playing on the SNES
pretty close to reaching Mayhem
I haven't drawn in a long time tbh
lol made this bad thing lol
Undertale Lemmings because why not.
should I do one with the 50+ abilities from the 2nd game
(added watermark)
While Acorn Archimedes Forest Green isn't that good compared to other songs, (my personal favorite is the Genesis version) I do gotta say, that there's a part in the Acorn song that hits hard.
Any suggestions on how to make this community better
Fan Art's banner without the text (made by me)
W.I.P I guess
meanwhile can we talk about how Lemming 2 is really cool