Lots of people should be noticed. So should you! Take your first steps to friendship, Lilac~Cutie!
There are no featured posts in this community.

Welcome, My Little Lilac~Cuties! I will now tell you what to abide by.

  1. Always be kind to other Lilac~Cuties.

  2. This community is CHILD FRIENDLY. Do NOT by ANY chance post anything that includes any adult topics. NSFW is fine, but have a warning!! Don't wanna scare my cuties away!

  3. You may ship anything you want, but one thing that should be set in stone, I DO NOT LIKE SKID X PUMP. You may post about it if you ship it, just make sure it's not inappropriate. Same with other ships. This is also a support to Rule 2.

  4. Tell me what you like! Nothing too personal, but what you like might make a new interest for me!

  5. You may make fan games!

  6. This allows you to get special perks, you might wanna subscribe to my Gacha channel on YouTube. It's free, and you won't regret it!

  7. DO NOT advertise ANYTHING unless it is a self-advertise in the Self Advertising section.

  8. If you disobey any of these rules, you may get a warning, you may get a ban, it depends on the severity. (EX: Adult topics result in a month ban, but hating on someone will give you a warning.)

    Please obey the rules! Have fun here, my Lilac~Cuties!

@Lilac-ChanYT owner
Report A community for about 3 years