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This is what it is

Here's a preview of heavy forces original

Now vs then

Ok here's the new anniversary line up

1. Evergreen 3.0.0 (Or the definitive edition)

2. Scratch's living large

3. Heavy forces original (A new game)

4. Evergreen meets mob boy (I felt wrong if I cancelled it so it will be delayed)

So here's what's going to be added to Evergreen 3.0.0:

. A new horde

. A new boss

. A boss and horde meter

. Locked hordes / Locked bosses

So I am going to piss some people off but Evergreen meets mob boy will be replaced in the anniversary by Evergreen 3.0.0 (The definitive cut) I'm sorry but I swear I'll make it up to you all (Also it will come with Evergeen directors cut)

I'm also doing some playable builds for games like mob boy, Evergeeen, alien onslaught and brutal bear

So I'm adding a update which changes the music and ending of the game

Here's a teaser of act 1 of game and mob boy

I uploaded mob boy to newgrounds and I am scared rn (Might upload more of them later see how it goes)

Here you go

Here's Slasher Sam in the mob boy style