Anniversary (8/11/2021) in Monster games community
I might be replacing living large with mortal scratchbat episode 2 mainly because i don’t know what to do honestly I’ve gone through many ideas like:
Free roam
Gta clone
And more
But nothing is sticking sadly
Here's a preview of heavy forces original
Now vs then
Ok here's the new anniversary line up
1. Evergreen 3.0.0 (Or the definitive edition)
2. Scratch's living large
3. Heavy forces original (A new game)
4. Evergreen meets mob boy (I felt wrong if I cancelled it so it will be delayed)
So here's what's going to be added to Evergreen 3.0.0:
. A new horde
. A new boss
. A boss and horde meter
. Locked hordes / Locked bosses
So I am going to piss some people off but Evergreen meets mob boy will be replaced in the anniversary by Evergreen 3.0.0 (The definitive cut) I'm sorry but I swear I'll make it up to you all (Also it will come with Evergeen directors cut)
Here's Slasher Sam in the mob boy style
Here's a look at Evergreen meets Mob boy for ya
Heres a living large screenshot