MLB-Fanatics in Miraculous

Miraculous fans! 🐞
I have a question for you all! Should I continue with my Season 4 episode reviews or just skip right to Season 5?

Just watched the first 2 episodes of Miraculous Ladybug: Season 5.
And man they were INCREDIBLE!!! The tension, progression and animation is able spectacular and amazing! Best start to any season of the show BY FAR!!

This post is literally reflects my opinion on Cyrus The Great (the youtuber ofc) lmao.

Funny how I am quite a bit younger than this man and yet I have a better understanding of the term "Mary Sue".
Also his excuse for this false definition is hilariously stupid 🤣😂🤣😂

This man hates MLB and claims the writing sucks but can't even state the true definition of Mary Sue and bends the definition just to bully a character he hates, it's honestly just sad.