Friend Codes in My Singing Monsters

Share your creations!

I need some friends for keys and diamonds. Can anyone help me by leaving their code? Here is mine just in case: 4002287189HN

idk if this is whare i wold do this here. but join my tribe if you want! frend code: 4002266954NA. (i am the only person in my tribe)

My MSM Friend Code: 1047344917JF

Please Light my Torches on Magical Sanctum.

I'm working on Magical Sanctum and Ethereal Workshop theese days.


#msm #mysingingmonsters

Friend Code.

If you're wondering, It's for PC, and I got the game on Steam.

My Friend code! If you want to friend me and visit my plant island, you can! (Go in comments and read the friend code, sorry about the like button.)

new island and baby blabbit

add me:1040948773FJ

Here's my singing monsters friend code

Friend code (PLS JOIN TRIBE)

New friendcode: 1045785030NM

Shameless fc plug
