News in Meowdz' community / Cat-z' studios


Yo yall should follow @wonderwack (my nephew trevor), he may not post but he's new here now (bc of me)

devlog: am tired

- added round count

- added zombie count

- made sure that the zombies code will reset when it respawns

- only took 20 mins.

dev log: mememememememeow

- added zombie attack code and how to kill it

- made scratch description

- made the teleporter glow-up possible with a click of a button

Devlog: today

-got inspiration

-got on discord and got character chosen munchkin

-got munchkin controls and sprite done (like 30 minutes)

am now tired bc its 11:14 EST

munchkin is finished! :D

munchkin leak.


(I barley take pictures of her)

NAH mcdonalds put ketchup on my burger when I ASKED for no KETCHUP, common mcdonalds L

(note: I hate ketchup)

ALRIGHT! I am getting a new phone in December, what phone should it be? I have 2 choices for you and you guys have 1 day to decide.

  1 vote Voting finished

Queen Elizabeth, rip her she ded.