All Posts in Photo-Negative Minnie Community


im so so so so sorry guys..... im not the guy i actually am and im sorry. perhaps i should've died a long time ago but enough of that... i have a secret that i have to tell. if i get banned im sorry... i tried to stop.......

first off- why tf is you so ugly bro-

MinMin redesign

I normally don't publicly share my OCs, but here's Minerva!

Not to be confused with someone else's Minerva, as I created mine months ago, just never publicly shared it.

Mickey mouse

went into some of my files on roblox studio and look what i found?

MinMin redesign (OG character by Horrist969 on the ADI RP Wiki)

A modernized Daniel Mclaffen. I hate drawing humans.

I think I've been too harsh on fan characters. Have a modernized Cactus Kid!
