General in Photo-Negative Minnie Community
Got this today 😀
A few people asked me how i got into FNaTI and i said i been here since the beginning but that's a lie... so here's the real story.
I'm gonna get this achievement and make it seem like a life achievement I'm gonna go crazy about this one
thank you guys for 20 members on this community!
gonna show u guys somethin just lol give me a momento
FNaTI transmissions. I found these on reaction videos so some might be missing, unnumbered and disconnected from others. Some voices and images are very bad so I'm making assumptions. (I spent to long on this i need a break cya)
Decided to update that last post with everything (i could find) in PuritySinners store.
some stuff that was on PuritySinners store (yes these were taken from a video just thought it would be cool to post)