Models in Photo-Negative Minnie Community


BY THE WAY THIS MODEL IS BROKEN AND IS NOT LIKE IT TOOK SO MANY HOURS AND DAYS TO TRY AND THEN IS BROKEN well then i made this weir picture of @Inverted_Minnie so im making a new version

@Inverted_Minnie why do you need so many bones and its done

#MinnieOfTheDay nightmare inverted minnie

#MinnieOfTheDay 8-bit photo-negative minnie, 8-bit impure mouse, 8-bit nightmare photo-negative minnie, and atari 2600 nightmare impure mouse

#MinnieOfTheDay nightmare photo negative minnie (scratch edition)

#MinnieOfTheDay undead photo-negative minnie

Sneak peak of my next model

#MinnieOfTheDay the visage third/3rd design

#MinnieOfTheDay impure mouse from fnati rebooted by winteryben