random stuff in Mr meme guy community


Finally I got two emeralds and a map

What kind of drink do you prefer?
2 votes Voting finished

Not my problem

Another armor frame, but this time it's the bastions.:D

Finally I can teleport :]

I was thinking about doing a triple trouble, but in my and my friends' version.
9 votes Voting finished

JOLTTOBER 2024 DAY 26: A Unexpected "Visitor"
#Alien #Area51 #Invasion #Invader #SpookyMyths #UFO #SpookyArt #BodySlammer #TomAndJerry #JoltTober2024

JOLTTOBER 2024 DAY 25: Call Of Cthulhu
#Cthulhu #Mario #SMW #CallOfCthulhu #SuperMario #RomHack #SpookyArt #CreepyArt #JoltTober2024