who else up gamin their jolt rn?

imagine how rad it would be if everyone was kanye west bears instead of humans


@NaTowles this you?


Well it took a hot minute but I FINALLY finished my next big drawing! As a gift towards @ikiwi_ and @yeeyeeth , I've drawn their OC's performing a classic jazz-fusion solo! Seabill and JJ are also there because why not? I would also like to share...

Welcome to my shitpost area, here you will:

  1. Realize I’m the only one who posts here

  2. Gets sick of my dogshit posts

  3. Get bored and leave

4. That’s about it


No bigots

No creeps

No assholes (trolls excluded, I’m not a hypocrite)

Don’t be a jackass, basically

@NathanTowles owner
Report A community for almost 2 years