posting random fun facts daily - day 14/366
"A candle’s flame is hot and blue in zero gravity."
committing arson
posting random fun facts daily - day 13/366
"Soccer balls were once used for playing basketball."
posting random fun facts daily - day 12/366
"Japan has 23 vending machines per person."
posting random fun facts daily - day 11/366
"The dot over the small letter 'i' is called a tittle."
posting random fun facts daily - day 10/366
"Super Mario Land was the most popular game on the Game Boy during its release."
posting random fun facts daily - day 9/366
"The Pokemon Rhydon was the first to ever be created."
posting random fun facts daily - day 8/366
"The largest pair of eyes in the world belongs to the giant squid."
posting random fun facts daily - day 7/366
"On average, a secretary will use its left hand for 56% of what they type on a keyboard."
posting random fun facts daily - day 6/366
"A dime has 118 ridges on its edge."