General in OMORI

Meow...(Waiting for something to happen?)
The most adorable Omori mod - Omori Mod Showcase #3
Mod Link: Ohmpere, saike.Makes Kel wear a Shiba Inu themed hoodie!# This mod should work with either of the followin...

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Official Omori Character Birthdays
#Omocat #Sunny #Kel
happy birthday sunny
i wonder how you spent your birthdays ever since she died

If Omori is such a good game, where is Omori 2? Beat you, stupids.

Fun fact:

The first time playing OMORI with one of my sisters, I told her to give Mari "a sweet texan girl voice". Why? Thought it would be funny. She forgot how to do Mari's voice because "The British just takes over you." (She gave Basil a Bri'ish accent)

im kinda sad cuz 2 communitys have more than mine ;-; but mine's new so it's not really a big of a deal


"killing the big tree in OMORI"

thats the exp you get for it

OMORI - killing the big tree
dam that exp

just another day in omori